ÜBER DIE SCHWIERIGKEIT, DINGE AUF DEINE ART ZU MACHEN Indra Leibig17. Februar 2022self-knowledge, authenticity, life-struggle, goal settingKommentieren
FEEL IT [ALL] Yoga für [hoch]sensible FrauenIndra Leibig3. Februar 2022self-knowledge, self-healing, be graceful with yourself, healing, teacher-student leationship, traumaKommentieren
SELF-HEALING IN THREE STEPS Indra Leibig20. Januar 2022self-healing, be graceful with yourself, self-knowledge, self-love, healingKommentieren
THE PSOAS Yoga für [hoch]sensible FrauenIndra Leibig17. Dezember 2021self-knowledge, self-care, innate wisdom, authenticity, women's health, healing, traumaKommentieren
THE ART OF ACCEPTING Yoga für [hoch]sensible FrauenIndra Leibig2. Dezember 2021self-knowledge, self-love, authenticity, life-struggleKommentieren
MEANING IN YOUR PRACTICE Yoga für [hoch]sensible FrauenIndra Leibig25. November 2021self-knowledge, self-care, be graceful with yourself, you are enough, PilatesKommentieren
WHOLE AND COMPLETE Indra Leibig18. November 2021you are enough, be graceful with yourself, self-knowledge, self-love, peace within youKommentieren
THE MAGIC WITHIN Indra Leibig5. November 2021you are enough, self-knowledge, self-love, be graceful with yourself, beautyKommentieren
BE GRACEFUL WITH YOURSELF Indra Leibig28. Oktober 2021be graceful with yourself, women's health, self-love, self-knowledge, self-care, acceptance, feminine yoga, feminine movementKommentieren
THE NEED FOR CHANGE Yoga für [hoch]sensible FrauenIndra Leibig14. Oktober 2021self-knowledge, self-love, tolerance, acceptance, women's healthKommentieren